Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Estate Planning in California

Being prepared for anything is very important these days. You never know what tomorrow will bring. The problem is, many people neglect one very significant part of life – people forget about death. What do you have to worry about if you’re gone, right? Wrong. Dying has never been more complex. The State and Federal courts will prowl through your estates in search of their share of what you've worked and saved for. That is, unless you have the right documents in place.

If you’re smart, you’ll protect yourself and your family now. Living trusts in California guarantee you and your heir’s privacy upon your death as well completely eliminating Probate. At Walters and Ward, we can do just that. Without the proper documents, prepared by a credentialed lawyer to meet your specific needs, your heirs might wait three years or more, and potentially spend hundreds of thousands of dollars going through probate.

You've worked hard all your life and you love your family. Protect them and everything you’ve worked your whole life for. You should be able to find a qualified Californian estate lawyer in your community. They will help take inventory of your estate, and ensure that all of your assets will be protected.

The bottom line is that California living trusts offer your family privacy, and can save a significant amount of time and money upon your death by avoiding probate